tranche LT LT LT(C)/POC HC HC WE WE TG TG AG AG ALC ALC ST ST AMPL AMPL DPG DPG PE PE DMS(P) TPC TPN 19'BF FUCO 19'HF CHLa Phaep. tot Pyrophaeophb Phaeophb Phaeophytin Phaeophb12 hmphaeophb abbreviations horaire µg mgC % µg % µg % µg % % % µg % µg % µg % µg % µg µg DMS mgC mgN µg µg µg µg µg µg µg µg µg µg LT total lipids @AO1-10/02 @20-0 0.94003 0.39945 0.05236 HC hydrocarbons @11/02 @0-4 241.05 0.14198 0.12142 14.46 34.856 2.43 5.8575 1.6 3.8568 7.52 18.127 4.95 11.932 3.88 9.3527 44.76 107.89 20.36 49.078 0.04 0.09642 4.7977 1.1693 0.13838 0.581 2.46 0.647 1.17 1.96 0.625 0.164 0.411 0.396 0.279 WE wax esters @4-8 8.1185 1.5339 0.17366 0.305 1.57 0.575 1.85 1.65 0.338 0.183 0.667 0.222 0.138 TG triglycerides @8-12 163.14 0.096089 0.073394 17.68 28.843 0.35 0.57099 0.17 0.27734 6.58 10.735 6.5 10.604 15.11 24.65 42.82 69.857 10.75 17.538 0.05 0.08157 8.1602 1.3092 0.15042 0.158 2.04 0.824 2.23 2.5 0.569 0.324 0.883 0.314 0.26 AG free fatty acids @12-16 2.4895 0.72307 0.08277 0.054 0.973 0.355 0.711 1.37 0.492 0.108 0.389 0.178 0.113 ALC alcools @16-20 99.53 0.058623 0.069888 16.38 16.303 0.28 0.27868 5.82 5.7926 8.2 8.1615 7.69 7.6539 0.42 0.41803 33.39 33.233 27.75 27.62 0.07 0.069671 3.1096 0.83882 0.09414 0.1 1.15 0.279 0.802 1.48 0.497 0.095 0.247 0.273 0.253 ST sterols @20-0 3.5719 0.90412 0.10696 0.046 1.22 0.331 1.1 1.46 0.338 0.102 0.476 0.281 0.183 AMPL chloroplast lipids @12/02 @0-4 301.67 0.17768 0.11563 13.61 41.057 3.59 10.83 0.97 2.9262 6.56 19.79 2.86 8.6278 8.45 25.491 39.23 118.35 22.3 67.272 2.61 7.8736 6.5653 1.5367 0.17937 0.283 2.73 0.575 1.74 3.22 0.77 0.295 0.821 0.702 0.463 DPG diphosphatidylglycerides @4-8 3.442 0.95413 0.09184 0.1 1.32 0.372 0.936 1.71 0.539 0.156 0.474 0.263 0.195 PE phosphatidylethanolamine @8-12 154.09 0.090759 0.20148 12.51 19.277 6.44 9.9234 2.17 3.3438 14.9 22.959 4.88 7.5196 3.32 5.1158 35.46 54.64 20.08 30.941 0.06 0.092454 1.913 0.45046 0.05572 0.046 0.462 0.172 0.519 0.67 0.189 0.049 0.228 0.078 0.064 DMS(P) dimethylsulphoniopropionate @12-16 1.3346 0.34916 0.03175 0.024 0.319 0.085 0.267 0.165 0.158 0 0.099 0.044 0.034 TPC total particulate carbon @16-20 66.18 0.03898 0.11665 19.37 12.819 4.79 3.17 2.88 1.906 10.53 6.9688 5.07 3.3553 6.93 4.5863 26.93 17.822 21.66 14.335 1.83 1.2111 1.224 0.33415 0.02951 0.059 0.202 0.028 0.268 0.104 0.174 0 0.051 0.043 0.036 TPN total particulate nitrogen @20-0 2.548 0.8507 0.07689 0.098 0.548 0.351 0.767 1.12 0.335 0.097 0.308 0.112 0.131 19'BF 19'-Butanoyloxyfucoxanthin @13/02 @0-4 77.68 0.045754 0.077348 15.49 12.033 4.73 3.6743 3.65 2.8353 5.18 4.0238 3.67 2.8509 6.79 5.2745 43.44 33.744 15.91 12.359 1.15 0.89332 1.839 0.59153 0.06126 0.138 0.515 0.21 0.372 1.28 0.365 0.211 0.227 0.148 0.202 FUCO fucoxanthin @4-8 6.4994 1.635 0.1582 0.374 1.82 0.687 1.59 3.04 0.779 0.357 0.622 0.358 0.447 19'HF 19'-Hexanoyloxyfucoxanthin @8-12 164.49 0.096885 0.086617 8.33 13.702 14.04 23.094 0.47 0.7731 14.55 23.933 3.45 5.6749 6.82 11.218 36.43 59.924 15.03 24.723 0.87 1.4311 5.6551 1.1185 0.1293 0.2 1.1 0.491 1.28 1.78 0.482 0.235 0.465 0.115 0.201 CHLa Chlorophyll a @12-16 24.879 1.5882 0.17646 0.311 1.8 0.894 1.66 2.78 0.817 0.16 0.643 0.377 0.374 Phaep. tot total phaeopigments @16-20 170.11 0.10019 0.067873 15.49 26.35 0.07 0.11908 0.02 0.034022 10.57 17.981 2.83 4.8141 9.55 16.246 48.36 82.265 10.83 18.423 2.28 3.8785 7.5146 1.4762 0.15338 0.221 1.12 0.764 1.73 2.71 0.638 0.128 0.647 0.538 0.273 Pyrophaeophb pyrophaeophorbide a @20-0 10.717 1.7986 0.20294 0.306 1.6 1.06 1.25 2.73 0.544 0.238 0.662 0.634 0.355 Phaeophb phaeophorbide a @14/02 @0-4 328.96 0.19376 0.073182 8.37 27.534 0.06 0.19738 0.02 0.065792 7.93 26.087 3.35 11.02 10.67 35.1 56.42 185.6 10.96 36.054 1.87 6.1516 10.821 2.6476 0.27966 0.602 2.34 1.88 2.17 4.42 1.123 0.447 0.89701 0.799 0.654 Phaeophytin phaeophytin a @4-8 15.055 2.9601 0.3621 0.84 3.06 1.52 2.79 5.2 1.462 0.542 1.1711 0.795 0.845 Phaeophb12 phaeophorbide 12 @8-12 222.41 0.131 0.043457 13.56 30.159 0.05 0.11121 1.1 2.4465 6.34 14.101 3.38 7.5175 6.54 14.546 58.55 130.22 8.75 19.461 1.73 3.8477 26.236 3.0145 0.49706 0.406 1.94 1.09 2.18 2.82 0.767 0.302 0.87 0.407 0.246 hmphaeophb hm phaeophorbide @12-16 369.44 0.2176 0.1403 6.54 24.161 0 0 5.81 21.464 28.65 105.84 6.3 23.275 12.5 46.18 24.77 91.51 13.41 49.542 2.02 7.4627 12.417 1.5509 0.17466 0.35 1.72 0.895 1.53 2.51 0.693 0.195 0.597 0.382 0.348 @16-20 362.53 0.21353 0.13625 4 14.501 0 0 3.44 12.471 34.23 124.09 8.44 30.598 13.01 47.165 22.89 82.983 12.55 45.498 1.44 5.2204 9.1412 1.5672 0.20709 0.271 1.24 0.714 1.03 2.15 0.458 0.291 0.602 0.299 0.302 units weight/m2/4h @AO4-19/02/94 @0-4 287.6 0.1694 0.14129 2.74 7.8802 0 0 4.88 14.035 3.58 10.296 0 0 31.52 90.652 47.42 136.38 7.26 20.88 2.61 7.5064 1.1072 1.1989 0.15085 0.975 2.25 0.614 0.419 1.11 0.505 0.108 0.057 0.23 0.263 @4-8 176.6 0.10402 0.13455 3.69 6.5165 0 0 0 0 7.73 13.651 0 0 31.15 55.011 57.43 101.42 0 0 0 0 0.70704 0.7731 0.10494 0.579 1.03 0.297 0.093 0.64 0.235 0.071 0 0.171 0.162 A free-floating sediment trap was deployed at a depth of 200 m during the 2nd ANTARES cruise to measure the downward flux over pre-determined time intervals of 4 hours. @8-12 1.1159 0.67943 0.08526 0.44 0.749 0.173 0.15 0.454 0.157 0.071 0.056 0.113 0.113 Site A01 was located at 52 S, south of Polar Front Zone, and site A04 at 63 S in the Seasonal Ice Zone. @12-16 223.9 0.13188 0.24076 13.91 31.144 0.17 0.38063 0.08 0.17912 5.28 11.822 0.15 0.33585 38.32 85.798 26.5 59.333 14.27 31.951 1.31 2.9331 0.47902 0.54775 0.07215 0.263 0.412 0.174 0.036 0.184 0.066 0.059 0.091 0.028 0.031 Given the sampling duration (4 days), poison or preservative were not added to the sample jars which were filled with filtered deep sea water with extra salt (40 psu). @16-20 4.6939 0.53665 0.06559 0.223 0.344 0.13 0.062 0.227 0.094 0.059 0.035 0.032 0.042 Thus, each time series consisted in 22-24 sequential samples. After resuspension of the sedimented particles, aliquots were taken for the determination of total @20-0 209.5 0.1234 0.10054 5.43 11.376 2.38 4.9861 1.73 3.6244 3.64 7.6258 0.04 0.0838 28.52 59.749 43.29 90.693 12.43 26.041 2.63 5.5099 1.3097 1.2273 0.15741 0.52 1.05 0.284 0.185 0.351 0.171 0.035 0 0.068 0.078 dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMS(P)), TPC/TPN, chlorophyll and phaeopigments a, pigment biomarkers of prymnesiophytes (HEX), pelagophytes (BUT) and diatoms (FUCO), and lipid classes. @20/02/94 @0-4 0.8021 0.49477 0.06559 0.276 0.543 0.091 0.05 0.2 0.079 0.045 0 0.034 0.042 @4-8 55.6 0.032748 0.057715 23.21 12.905 0.19 0.10564 0.09 0.05004 0.19 0.10564 0.17 0.09452 30.6 17.014 29.86 16.602 13.54 7.5282 2.16 1.201 0.60639 0.56742 0.06895 0.16 0.404 0.094 0.073 0.177 0.07 0.038 0 0.044 0.025 @8-12 0.70952 0.65975 0.08863 0.255 0.625 0.148 0.054 0.285 0.073 0.09 0 0.064 0.057 @12-16 72.7 0.04282 0.090353 11.51 8.3678 0.19 0.13813 17.83 12.962 5.41 3.9331 0.17 0.12359 30.13 21.905 25.93 18.851 8.78 6.3831 0.04 0.02908 0.64677 0.47392 0.07871 0.157 0.364 0.115 0.031 0.165 0.059 0.053 0 0.023 0.03 @16-20 0.71698 0.51949 0.07215 0.132 0.359 0.077 0.044 0.135 0.085 0 0 0.028 0.022 @20-0 546.1 0.32165 0.24676 14.01 76.509 6.49 35.442 0.38 2.0752 6.35 34.677 0.04 0.21844 29.17 159.3 33.39 182.34 8.98 49.04 1.19 6.4986 6.8188 1.3035 0.20669 0.82 1.43 0.501 0.232 0.482 0.235 0 0 0.131 0.116 @21/02/94 @0-4 2.2075 1.9498 0.35754 2.01 3.52 0.804 0.676 1.38 0.519 0.328 0 0.261 0.268 @4-8 388.7 0.22894 0.13332 10.26 39.881 5.34 20.757 0.01 0.03887 4.69 18.23 18.21 70.782 13.04 50.686 43.51 169.12 4.93 19.163 0.01 0.03887 1.9826 1.7172 0.22636 1.4 2.97 0.614 0.26 1.26 0.479 0.356 0 0.2 0.228 @8-12 1.0407 1.8045 0.24604 1.6 3.44 0.61 0.389 1.38 0.623 0.249 0 0.26 0.243 @12-16 481 0.28331 0.14566 12.65 60.846 4.84 23.28 0.33 1.5873 2.89 13.901 17.87 85.955 12.06 58.009 43.14 207.5 5.39 25.926 0.83 3.9923 1.4035 1.9449 0.223 1.45 3.56 0.911 0.328 1.04 0.415 0.273 0 0.187 0.168 @16-20 2.205 4.1743 0.76755 5.08 9.16 1.79 1.14 3.88 2.121 0.409 0.17801 0.785 0.562 @20-0 1898 1.1179 0.38031 5.46 103.63 2.48 47.07 0.68 12.906 2.73 51.815 19.85 376.75 14.59 276.92 48.6 922.43 5.04 95.659 0.58 11.008 2.6585 2.9395 0.3609 3.46 6.86 1.5 1.02 2.69 1.463 0.4 0.13001 0.501 0.327 @22/02/94 @0-4 2.4417 2.8632 0.32475 2.9 3.86 1.42 0.754 2.23 1.081 0.272 0 0.52 0.362 @4-8 3652 2.151 0.35799 2.37 86.552 1.41 51.493 0.09 3.2868 2.27 82.9 17.15 626.32 12 438.24 57.63 2104.6 7.02 256.37 0.08 2.9216 5.2351 6.0086 0.77007 6.22 10.2 3.27 1.73 4.02 1.881 0.693 0.27201 0.715 0.729 @8-12 570.3 0.33591 0.085778 7.83 44.654 0 0 0 0 6.74 38.438 0 0 40.34 230.06 38.34 218.65 6.76 38.552 0 0 3.6682 3.916 0.54474 2.06 5.74 2 0.424 1.8 0.7 0.56 0 0.281 0.264 @12-16 490.2 0.28873 0.11564 0.54 2.6471 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 33.36 163.53 66.09 323.97 0 0 0 0 2.5163 2.4968 0.34678 3 5.84 1.47 0.787 2.99 1.157 0.923 0 0.499 0.408