Dyfamed compiled data files from the CARIOCA buoy programme 3 ascii files: cardyf95.dat, cardyf96.dat, cardyf97.dat Headers for the columns are: 1. Year Day 2. SST 3. fCO2 in situ 4. atmospheric pressure (see note 1) 5. wind speed, m/s at 10 m (see note 1) 6. atmospheric fCO2 (see note 2) Missing values are dentoed by 99999. Note 1: The wind speed data and atmospheric pressure data are taken from the Meteo-France station at Nice and linearly interpolated onto the time grid of the fCO2 measurements made by the CARIOCA buoy. Note 2: Atmospheric fCO2 is calculated using the fugacity correction of Weiss, 1974. For atmospheric CO2 concentrations, we used the average of the monthly concentrations measured at Lampedusa Island (Ciattaglia and Chamard, 1997) and Monte Cimone, Italy (Colombo and Santaguida, 1998). Full details are given in: Hood, E.M. and L. Merlivat, Annual to interannual variations of fCO2 in the northwestern Mediterranean Sea: Results from hourly measurements made by CARIOCA buoys, 1995-1997, Journal of Marine Research, 59, 113-131, 2001. Copies may be obtained by writing to the authors: m.hood@unesco.org.