SO_DYFAMED Time Series - 1991-> ... |
JC. MARTY : head of mission and project leader |
1991 | 1992 | 1993 | 1994 | 1995 | 1996 | 1997 | 1998 | 1999 | 2000 | |
Fluo(1993-..) |
Méthodes |
2001 | 2002 | |
Fluo. |
NB : headers are present from year 1998.
CTD Methodology |
Le matériel utilisé consiste en
un ensemble « carrousel » (SBE32, Sea-Bird Electronics) et
sonde (SBE9plus, Sea-Bird Electronics), reliés par un câble
électroporteur à une unité de pont (SBE 11 Carousel
Deck Unit, Sea-Bird Electronics). Le « carrousel » est constitué
d'un support contenant 12 bouteilles de prélèvement (type
Niskin) de 12 litres chacune
Two CTD casts were obtained from each cruise, one for the 0–200 m layer, and the other for the 0–2000 m layer. From 1991 to 1993, the CTD system was a Sea-Bird SBE 9 underwater unit. Water for pigment (and other parameters) analyses was obtained using Niskin bottles from two hydrocasts performed between the two CTD casts. Since 1993 the CTD system consisted of a Sea-Bird SBE 911 Plus equipped with additional sensors (dissolved O2 and fluorometer) mounted on a Sea-Bird rosette (SBE32 Carousel) equipped with twelve 12-l Niskin bottles. Sensors:
Calibration: (routine procedure since 1999). The
temperature transducer and conductivity cell are returned to Sea-Bird each year
for routine calibration. The membrane of the dissolved oxygen sensor was changed
each year (SBE 13-02). Data collection
data acquisition is at 24 Hz frequency. The Sea-Bird deck unit averages these
data to 1 Hz subsequently stored on the PC. Four files are saved for each cast:
processing is done back to the laboratory using the Sea-Bird software. Cast
processing : DATCNV :
Converts raw data from input .DAT to engineering units and stores the converted
data in .CNV files ROSSUM
(only for the up cast processing): Reads in the .ROS file and writes out a
summary of the bottle data to a file (.BTL extension), and the bottle position
data (.BL extension). ALIGNCTD
: Aligns temperature, conductivity and oxygen measurements in time relative to
: Apply a pressure filter which eliminates all scans for which the CTD speed is
less than 0.25 ms-1. DERIVE : Compute density, depth, potential temperature, salinity, oxygen from pressure, temperature and conductivity in the converted data files (.CNV extension). BINAVG
: Averages data in converted data (.CNV extension) files to 2 m resolution (5m
for 1991-1993). STRIP
: Output selected columns of data from the input converted data files. ASCIIOUT
: Output the header portion to a file (.HDR extension) and the data portion in
ASCII engineering units to a file ( .ASC extension). Finally
the files produced are as follow: Daammjjx.hdr
Header file, lat., long., time, meteorological observations… Daammjjx.asc
(or .xls) :
Data file which report the
following : pr: pressure [db] t090: temperature, ITS-90 [deg C]
flC: fluorometer, chelsea
depS: depth, salt water [m]
potemp090: potential temperature, ITS-90 [deg C]
sal00: salinity, PSS-78 [PSU]
oxML/L: oxygen [ml/l]
oxPS: oxygen, percent saturation
sigma-é00: density, sigma-theta [kg/m^3]
oxsatML/L: oxygen saturation [ml/l]
References: Sea-Bird Electronics, Inc. CTD Data acquisition software manual.