Amundsen Science Data Collection: Navigation data --------------------------------------------------- File created: 13 October 2016 Last modification: 13 October 2016 POLAR DATA CATALOGUE REFERENCE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CCIN 12447. CCGS Amundsen Navigation (NAV) data recorded during the annual science expeditions in the Canadian Arctic. LICENSE AND ATTRIBUTION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Data User, Amundsen Science datasets are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) Public License. A summary of the license is available at By using Amundsen Science data, you accept the terms and conditions of this License. The license grants the public the rights to use and share the data and results derived therefrom as long as the proper acknowledgement is given to the data licensor, that any alteration to the data is clearly indicated, and that a link to the original data and the license is made available. A citation reference for the publication should also be sent to the Amundsen Science Data Coordinator ( for inclusion in a publication list on the Amundsen website. The acknowledgement to the data licensor must be included in the Acknowledgements section of the publication. A reference to the data must be included within the text where the use of the data is described and in the reference list. Acknowledgement Section --- Please include this statement in a paragraph at the end of your publication, before the reference list. [Some of] The data presented herein were collected by the Canadian research icebreaker CCGS Amundsen and made available by the Amundsen Science program, which was supported by the Canada Foundation for Innovation and Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada. The views expressed in this publication do not necessarily represent the views of Amundsen Science or that of its partners. Reference Section --- Amundsen Science Data Collection. CCGS Amundsen Navigation (NAV) data recorded during the annual science expeditions in the Canadian Arctic. [years]. Complete data. Version 1. DOI: 10.5884/12447. Archived at, Accessed on [Date]. Amundsen Science Data Collection. CCGS Amundsen Navigation (NAV) data recorded during the annual science expeditions in the Canadian Arctic. [years]. Reduced dataset. Version 1. DOI: 10.5884/12447. Archived at, Accessed on [Date]. Amundsen Science Data Collection. CCGS Amundsen Navigation (NAV) data recorded during the annual science expeditions in the Canadian Arctic. [years]. Ship tracks. Version 1. DOI: 10.5884/12447. Archived at, Accessed on [Date]. Proper acknowledgement and citation of the data allows for the tracking of the scientific output of the Amundsen Science program and is important for the CCGS AmundsenŐs continued support of the scientific community. Thank you for your collaboration ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTENT OF THE ARCHIVES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0. NAV_Amundsen_README.txt (this file) 1. 3 Data subfolders for complete data, 15 min reduced data and Ship tracks a. "Complete data" contains all data at the second step b. "15 min Reduced data" contains the date, latitude and longitude of the data reduced at a 15 min time step c. "Ship tracks" contains maps and files for mapping the ship's tracks 2. 2003-2015 NAV_Meta_data.csv: provide information on expedition dates and coordinates (see section below: FOLDER AND FILE STRUCTURE for more details) - 2003-2004 and 2007-2008 were overwintering expeditions, for consistency within the notation, folders and files names start with the year in which the expedition started. - No data were collected in 2012, the vessel was in maintenance (dry docks). - 25-09-2014 marks a leg change. Data spans therefore both leg. *int file for for this day is placed in Leg 3 folder. DATA CONTROL AND VARIABLES DEFINITION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A - Data source The CCGS Amundsen is equipped with a POS-MV (Position and Orientation Systems for Marine Vessels) and a C-Nav DGNSS Precise Point Positioning system. Data from both systems are recorded. B - Quality Control The following tests have been performed on both data sets: - Test A1: Fix Quality = 1 (GPS fix) or = 2 (DGPS fix) - Test A2: -90deg < latitude < 90deg and -180deg < longitude < 180deg - Test A3: Flag latitude spike. abs(V2-(V3+V1)/2)-abs(V1-V3)/2 < 0.00005 deg, where V1, V2 and V3 are 3 consecutive positions. - Test A4: Flag longitude spike. abs(V2-(V3+V1)/2)-abs(V1-V3)/2 < 0.00005 deg - Test A5: 0deg< Track < 360deg and 0knt < vessel speed < 20knt - Test A6 (only for the POS-MV): Flag Heave (m). Mean on 20 seconds < 0.1m C - Data merging POS-MV data have a better resolution and accuracy than C-Nav data. If POS-MV data exist, POS-MV data are used. If POS-MV data are not available for a period of 20 seconds or longer (Acquisition error), C-Nav data are used. D - Manual data check All variables from the datasets are further verified using time series and mapping plots. Erroneous data are flagged. E - Quality controlled data format Data are saved in text format with the extension *.int. One file per 24h (UTC time) is created. Col Content Format Units --- ---------- ------ --------------- 1 Date S10 yyyy/mm/dd 2 Hour UTC S8 HH:MM:SS 3 Latitude F12.7 deg N 4 Longitude F12.7 deg E 5 Heading F10.2 deg N 6 Roll F10.2 deg 7 Pitch F10.2 deg 8 Heave F10.2 m 9 Track F10.2 deg N 10 Speed F10.2 Knt 11 GPS source F10.0 POSMV:1, CNAV:0 NaN stands for: Not a Number. It indicates that the data were either not recorded either flagged because they were mistrusted. F - Geographic Reference Geographic Coordinate - WGS 84 FOLDER AND FILE STRUCTURES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Names of the archives are constructed as follow: - Name of the vessel + - Type of data + - Version of the archives Complete data are provided in ASCII format (.int) within subfolders organized by years and by legs: - NAV + - Date (yyyymmdd) (one file per day) Reduced data are provided in .csv format - AMUNDSEN_NAV + - year + - leg (on file per leg) Ship tracks files are provided in .kml and tiff format - Amundsen + year + leg (yyyylll).tiff - AMUNDSEN_NAV_ + year + leg.kml The coordinates and dates about the beginning and end of data recording for each leg are provided in the NAV_Meta_data.csv file. A leg is a determined period (usually 42 days)during which the sampling operation are scheduled. ---END------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please, do not hesitate to contact us if you have comments or suggestions. We welcome your feedbacks. Thank you. CONTACTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Simon Morisset Data Analyst, ArcticNet Colline Gombault Data Coordinator, ArcticNet