;********************************************************** ;** Command file for LADCP OUTPACE 2015 ** ;** Single LADCP looking down ,BEAM coordinate,20 bins of8m,blank= 0 ** ;**put this file in " C:\LADCP\"** ;********************************************************** ; ; Append command to log file " D:\LADCP OUTPACE\singleLADCPlog.txt " $1D:\LADCP OUTPACE\logfiles\log.txt ; send a break $B ; wait for command prompt (after each command) $W62 ; display real time clock settings TT? ; Sets the ADCP clock to the PC clock time. $T $W62 ; set to factory default CR1 $W62 ;mode LADCP WM15 $W62 ; save settings as user defaults CK $W62 ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;************ Change Filename with station number NN here :*********************** RN MA199 ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $W62 ; set transducer depth to zero ED0 $W62 ; set salinity to 35psu ES35 $W62 ;NOT USED : earth Coordinate + tilts + 3 beams solutions +bin mapping ;EX11111 ; beam Coordinate +bin mapping EX00001 $W62 ; set one ensemble/second TE00000100 $W62 ; set one second between pings TP000100 $W62 ; Output Velocity, Correlation, Amplitude, Percent Good LD111100000 $W62 ; Set one ping per ensemble LP00001 $W62 ; record 20 bins LN020 $W62 ; bin size=800cm LS0800 $W62 ; blank size=0cm ( bin 1 suppressed in post processing ) LF0000 $W62 ; set max radial water velocity to 175cm/s LV175 $W62 ; set narrow bandwidth LW1 $W62 ; use a fixed speed of sound EZ0111111 $W62 ; speed of sound = 1510m/s EC1510 ; heading alignment = 0 degree EA0 $W62 ; heading bias = 0 degree EB0 $W62 ; Record data internally CF11101 $W62 ; Save setup CK $W62 ; Start pinging CS $P PLEASE DISCONNECT ADCP FROM COMPUTER ; Exit BBTalk ; $X