Responsible : S. HELIAS NUNIGE, O. GROSSO et T. MOUTIN sampling/storage : samples are directly analysed on board or poisoned with 50µl HgCl2 to final concentration at 20µg/L and stored for analyse at the return of the cruise method : Aminot A., Kérouel, R. 2007 Dosage automatique des nutriments dans les eaux marines : méthodes en flux continu. Ed. Ifremer, Méthodes d’analyse en milieu marin, 188p. Instrument Type: Nutrient Auto Analyser (colorimetric method) SEAL Analytical AA3 HR LQ NO3 NO2 PO4 Si µmol/L 0,02 0,01 0,02 0,06 The quantification limit (LQ) of an individual analytical procedure is the lowest amount of analyte in a sample which can be quantitatively determined with suitable precision and accuracy. LQ has been determined by analysing 10 times the same sample of surface seawater (poor in nutrients) LQ= 10*SD in which SD is the standard deviation Values of the determination of LQ µmol/L NO3 NO2 PO4 Si 0,022 0,007 0,022 0,090 0,021 0,006 0,020 0,083 0,021 0,006 0,019 0,105 0,019 0,006 0,018 0,096 0,019 0,005 0,017 0,093 0,019 0,007 0,022 0,097 0,017 0,007 0,021 0,092 0,021 0,007 0,021 0,088 0,022 0,006 0,019 0,098 0,019 0,007 0,019 0,092 Mean 0,020 0,006 0,020 0,093 SD 0,002 0,001 0,002 0,006 CV 8,2% 11% 8,5% 6,5% LD 0,005 0,002 0,005 0,018 LQ 0,016 0,007 0,017 0,060 update 07/10/2016