The opposite figure summerize termilogy and abbreviations used to describe species characteristics.

Appendages name are as follow :

A1 : antennule (the longest in calanoida)
A2 : antenna
Md : mandible
Mx1 : maxillule
Mx2 : maxilla
Mxp : maxilliped
P1 to P5 : Thoracic appendages

Note that the main difference between gymnoplea (calanoida) and podoplea (cyclopoida, poecilostomatoida and harpacticoida) is due to the position of the body articulation.


Concerning appendages, biramous means that each appendage of a pair has two branches (Y-like shape) whereas uniramous means that each appendage of a pair has only one single branch. For biramous appendages, detailled terminology is described in the following figure :
CopyRight © 2005 - Observatoire Océanologique de Villefranche sur Mer - Stéphane Gasparini