(no) param | method | sampling | s_f | data | fiche | resp |
(2556) Backscattering 532 nm | Wetlabs (ECO3) backscatterometer | Drifting profiling float | - |   |    | Doxaran D. |
(2447) Backscattering coefficient (3 wavelengths in IR) | Wetlabs ECO-BB3 serial #538 | Barge profiler | - |   |    | Doxaran D. |
(2446) Backscattering coefficient (3 wavelengths) | Wetlabs ECO-BB3 serial #028 | Barge profiler | - |   |    | Doxaran D. |
(2448) Backscattering coefficient (6 Wavelength) | HOBI-Labs Hydroscat-6 serial # | Barge profiler | - | 2010 nov. | | Wright V./ Hooker S. |
(2449) Backscattering coefficient (8 wavelengths, spectral) | Hydroscat-6(ser#97074) and two a-Beta (HOBI-Labs) | Barge profiler | - |   | | Reynolds R. |
(2450) Backscattering coefficient (8 wavelengths, spectral) | Hydroscat-6(ser#97074) and two a-Beta (HOBI-Labs) | Foredeck | - |   | | Reynolds R. |
(2341) Backscattering coefficient (9 wavelengths) | Wetlabs ECO-BB9 serial# 274 | Rosette profiler | - |   |    | Ehn J. |
(2319) Bacteria (abundance) | Flow Cytometry | Rosette water sample | - | | | Joux F./ Ortega E. |
(2319) Bacteria (abundance) | Flow Cytometry | Rosette water sample | - |   | | Vaulot D. |
(2385) Bacterial abundance | FISH-TSA | Rosette water sample | - | | | Joux F. |
(2386) Bacterial bio-volume | Epifluorescence microscopy | Rosette water sample | - | | | Joux F./ Ortega E. |
(2419) Bacterial density (benthic) | Flow cytometry | Box corer | - | |    | Link H./ Archambault P./ Chaillou G. |
(30206) Bacterial diversity | CE-SSCP and DNA clone library | Rosette water sample | - | | | Joux F. |
(2387) Bacterial growth (limitation by nutrients) | Leu-3H incubations - cells counts | Rosette water sample | - | | | Joux F./ Jeffrey W./ Ortega E. |
(2479) Bacterial production | Leucine-3H incorporation | Zodiac water sample | - |   |    | Joux F./ Jeffrey W. |
(2389) Bacterial production (effects of DOM UV exposure on...) | Leucine-3H incorporation - cell counts | Rosette water sample | - | | | Joux F./ Jeffrey W./ Ortega E. |
(2388) Bacterial production (effects of UV radiation) | Leucine-3H incorporation | Rosette water sample | - | | | Joux F./ Jeffrey W. |
(2390) Bacterial respiration (whole community) | O2 consumption - Winkler - Incubations | Rosette water sample | - |   |    | Joux F./ Ortega E. |
(2563) Benthic ammonium flux | Incubations - Colorimetry | Box corer | |   |    | Link H./ Archambault P./ Chaillou G. |
(2415) Benthic DOC remineralisation | Incubations - wet oxidation | Box corer | - | |    | Link H./ Archambault P./ Chaillou G./ Charriere B. |
(2562) Benthic Macrofauna abundance | Microscopy | Box corer | | |    | Link H./ Archambault P./ Chaillou G. |
(2417) Benthic Macrofauna biomass | Wet weight | Box corer | - | |    | Link H./ Archambault P./ Chaillou G. |
(2418) Benthic Macrofauna diversity | Microscopy | Box corer | - | |    | Link H./ Archambault P./ Chaillou G. |
(2565) Benthic nitrate flux | Incubations - Colorimetry- Autoanalyzer | Box corer | |   |    | Link H./ Archambault P./ Chaillou G. |
(2564) Benthic nitrite flux | Incubations - Colorimetry- Autoanalyzer | Box corer | |   |    | Link H./ Archambault P./ Chaillou G. |
(2566) Benthic phosphate flux | Incubations - Colorimetry- Autoanalyzer | Box corer | |   |    | Link H./ Archambault P./ Chaillou G. |
(2413) Benthic respiration | Incubations - Optic - Oxygen probe | Box corer | - |   |    | Link H./ Archambault P./ Chaillou G. |
(2414) Benthic silicic acid flux | Incubations - Colorimetry - Autoanalyzer | Box corer | - |   |    | Link H./ Archambault P./ Chaillou G. |
(2420) Bioturbation of sediments | Incubation with luminophores | Box corer | - | |    | Link H./ Archambault P./ Chaillou G. |