/ sB/mpT)
(click to go to ...) | International cooperations | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
KEOPS and the international research programs | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
List of parameters and methods | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Individual contributions (% of time) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Available equipments | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
References of the KEOPS community | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Australian community brings an important contribution to KEOPS. In addition to
the expertise of the different collaborators mentioned in the table above, we
will deploy an Australian mooring
instrumented with sediment traps (Cooperation Franco Australienne). A
collaboration is also established with Japan. Three different Japanese projects
will take place in the Southern part of the Kerguelen plateau (2003-2006).
Although these projects are not fully dedicated to biogeochemistry, they will
provide useful information on the spatial variability of environmental
conditions and biogeochemical processes in this area. In the case of iron, which
is a critical parameter, but difficult to acquire, an intercomparison will be
made with the Japanese team of S. Takeda. Samples from the Japanese cruise
(2003) will be analysed in Brest and we will send samples collected during KEOPS
to Japan. (Dr S. Takeda was the PI of the SEED project. A successful iron
fertilisation experiment in the subarctic Pacific in 2001). We
have also proposed to organise a common synthesis phase of the different
projects (France, Australia, Japan) in 2006. This will facilitate the exchange
of data and the organisation of special sessions at international meetings. This
will ensure a large dissemination and impact of our findings.
and the international research programs. SOLAS
: The general and specific objectives of KEOPS complement well the scientific
plan of the international program SOLAS. The specific questions that will be
addressed in KEOPS are particularly relevant for focus 1, with special relevance
for 1.3) Dimethylsulphide and Climate and 1.4) Iron and marine productivity and
also for focus 3) Air-sea flux of CO2 and other long lived
radiatively gases. One of the promising approaches mentioned
in the SOLAS document is to use the plume of iron-rich waters “down stream” of
islands located in the deep ocean as natural laboratories. An effort has
been made in
KEOPS to include collaborators that are experts in atmospheric
chemistry (aerosol, DMS, gases with oxidising capacity). OCEANS
: there is a recent initiative from IGBP and SCOR to create a new ten-year
international research program called: Ocean biogeoChemistry and Ecosystems
AnalySis, ‘OCEANS’. The background material presented to stimulate
discussion at the Open Science Conference (http://www.igbp.kva.se/obe/background.html)
indicates that KEOPS can easily be placed under the umbrella of this program. A
poster summarising the objectives and the strategies of KEOPS will be presented
at the conference. FP6
: The sixth program for research of
the European Community: It will be launched in November. Considering KEOPS, two
different initiatives are important. The
network of excellence “ECCO” Ecosystems, biogeochemical cycles, and global
change in the anthropocene ocean: (PIs P. Tréguer IUEM and L. Legendre LOV).
KEOPS is relevant to the proposed “jointly executed research” :
Testing the biogeochemical iron fertilisation approach to carbon
sequestration in the ocean. The
Integrated Project: “ACCESS” Antarctic Circumpolar Climate and Ecosystem
Study. (PI V. Strass AWI, GE). The project aims to address the following
questions: -Which
physical, biological and chemical processes in the Southern Ocean control the
global and hence also european climate development. -How
sensitive are Southern Ocean processes and systems to climate change. -Can
large scale iron-fertlisation of the Southern Ocean provide a solution to the
green house problem? Two
meetings are planned to refine both projects before the first call for proposal
of the FP6. The KEOPS community will be present at the ECCO meeting (P.Treguer
and B. quéguiner), and at the
ACCESS meeting (Bremerhaven, 21-23 Nov. ) S. Blain. However, at the present day, it is not possible to say if both or one of the proposals will be relevant to the first call. |
Chemistry and
Phytoplankton :
NOM / NAME | LABO. | FONCTION | % participation | Expertise |
Alfaro S. | LISA | MCF aerosols | x | |
Amouroux D. | LCABIE | CR1 DMX, Hg | 25 | |
Bareille G. | LCABIE | CR1 trace metals | 15 | |
Belviso S. | LSCE | CR DMS | 50 | |
Beucher C. | LEMAR | Post doc silicon cycle | 50 | |
Blain S. (2) | LEMAR | MCF iron bgc cycle | 40 | |
Bombled B. | LSCE | Tech CEA sediment | 20 | |
Bonsang B. | LSCE | DR HCNM | 10 | |
Bourles | CEREGE | PR Be isotope | 20 | |
Bournot C. | DT INSU | IE mooring CTD | 25 | |
Carlotti F. | LOB arcachon | DR mesozooplank. | 20 | |
Chassarin J.B. | MNHN | Hydro. | 30 | |
Claustre H. | LOV | DR pigments | 10 | |
Corvaisier R. | LEMAR | AI Silicon | 25 | |
Denis M. | LOB | DR flow cytometry | 30 | |
Diaz F. | LOB | MCF nitrogen bgc cycle | 25 | |
Donnard O. | LCABIE | DR2 met bgc cycle | x | |
Durand I. | MNHN | Hydro salinity | 100 | |
Garcia N. | LOB | IE nutrients | 10 | |
Gaudichet A. | LISA | Pr aerosols | 10 | |
Gorsky G. | LOV | CR video profiler | 15 | |
Guieu C. | LOV | CR aerosol | 25 | |
Jeandel C. (1) | LEGOS | DR tracer geo | 25 | |
Laes A. | LEMAR | PhD iron bgc cycle | 30 | |
Le Blond N. | LOV | IE sediment traps | 50 | |
Le Fevre D. | LOB | CR respiration | 30 | |
LosnoE. | LISA | MCF aerosols | 15 | |
Maille | LISA | Tech aerosol | x | |
Moutin T. | LOB | MCF Phosphorus bgc cycle | 10 | |
Obernosterer I. | OOB | Post doc bacteria UV | x | |
Park Y. | MNHN | Hydro. Current.. | 50 | |
Patricio M. | LSCE | IE HCNM | 25 | |
Peycheran | LCABIE | IR2 analyt. Tech | x | |
Picheral M. | LOV | IE video profiler | 20 | |
Pinaly H. | LCABIE | IE2 UPPA analyt. Tech | 10 | |
Point D. | LCABIE | PhD trace metals | 20 | |
Pradoux C. | LEGOS | Tech. UPS tracer geo. | 40 | |
Quéguiner B.(4) | LOB | PR Silicon bgc cycle, phyto | 30 | |
Rabouille C. | LSCE | CR CEASediment | 20 | |
Raimbaut P. | LOB | DR nitrogen bgc cycle | x | |
Ras J. | LOV | IE pigments | 30 | |
Reyss J.L. | LSCE. | DR2 Th, Pa isotope | 20 | |
Rimmelin P. | LOB | IE nutrients | 50 | |
Robin E. | LSCE | CR CEA sediment | 20 | |
Roy-Barman M. | LSCE | MCF Th, Pa isotope | 25 | |
Sarthou G. | LEMAR | CR2 iron bgc cycle | 50 | |
Sempere R. | LMM | CR DOC, UV | 15 | |
Souhaut M. | LEGOS | AGT UPS, tracer geo. | 40 | |
Tedetti M. | LMM | Phd st. DOC UV | 30 | |
Tessier E. | LCABIE | PhD DMX, Hg | 20 | |
Tréguer P. | LEMAR | PR Silicon bgc cycle | 25 | |
Van Wambeke F.(3) | LMM | CR microbiology | 25 | |
Viollier E. | LGE | MCF sediment | 20 | |
Weinbauer M. | LOV | CR virus | 25 | |
X | DT INSU | Mooring CTD | 25 | |
X | LEGOS | MCF rec. UPS tracer geo | 35 | |
X | LEMAR | PhD iron bgc cycle | 100 | |
X | LOB | PhD | 100 | |
X | LOB arcachon | Phd St. mesozooplank. | 50 | |
X | LOV/UPCM | Post doc profiler | 80 | |
X | LSCE | Phd DMS | 100 | |
X | LSCE LGE | PhD sediment | 30 | |
X | LOV | PhD aerosol | 30 | |
NOM / NAME | LABO. | FONCTION | % participation | Expertise |
Armand | CSIRO (Aus) | Dr. Phyto. | 30 | |
Bowie A. | CRC (Aus) | Dr., iron | 50 | |
Boyd P. | NIWA (NZ) | Dr. ron-light phyto phyto | 25 | |
Buesseler K | WHOI (USA) | Dr. Th | x | |
Cardinal D. | VUB (Be) | Dr. Post doc Ba | 20 | |
Christaki U. | NCRM (Gr) | Dr. microzooplankton | 30 | |
Chuck A. | UEA(UK) | Dr.Halocarbon, alkyl nitrate | 20 | |
Church T. | UD (USA) | Pr. Polonium | 10 | |
Croot P. | IFM Kiel (Ge) | Dr. biogéochimie fer | 25 | |
Dehairs F. | VUB (Be) | Pr. Ba Th | 10 | |
Gerringa L. | NIOZ (NL) | Dr biogéochimie fer | 30 | |
Griffith B. | CSIRO (Aus) | Dr. P-I curve | 60 | |
Hein De baar H. | NIOZ (NL) | Pr. biogéochimie fer | 10 | |
Hernl G. | NIOZ (NL) | Pr.Bacterie | 15 | |
Hutchins D. | UD (USA) | Dr. Iron-phyto. | 25 | |
Jacquet S | VUB (Be) | PhD Ba | 20 | |
Kramer J. | NIOZ (NL) | Tch. Fer | 20 | |
Laan P. | NIOZ (NL) | Ing.biogéochimie fer | 20 | |
Law C. | NIWA (NZ) | Dr.N2O, CH 4 | 20 | |
Liss P. | UEA (UK) | Pr. Halocarbon, alkyl nitrate | 10 | |
Pollard R. | SOC (UK) | Dr.physics | 40 | |
Savoye N. | VUB (Be) | Dr. Post doc Th | 50 | |
Timmermans K. | NIOZ (NL) | Dr. phytoplankton | 30 | |
Trull T. | CRC (Aus) | Dr. Carbon export | 50 | |
Turner S. | UEA (UK) | Dr. Halocarbon, alkyl nitrate | 20 | |
Van Beek P. | UE (U.K) | Dr. Post Doc radioisotope | 50 | |
X | NIOZ (NL) | Post doc | 100 | |
X | NIWA (BZ) | Tech. | 50 |
Laboratoire -responsable | paramètre |
CEREGE Bourles | Be |
LCABIE Amouroux | DMSe |
LEGOS Jeandel | Nd, REE |
LEMAR Blain | Fe |
TdFe | |
other met. | |
Fe | |
LEMAR Treguer | 30Si d30Si |
LISA Gaudichet Losno | aerosol |
LMM Sempere | DOC, diac. |
DOC,iac. | |
Bact. |
LOB Denis | cyto |
LOB Lefevre | Resp. |
Nut. incub. |
Nut. prof | |
OPM | |
phyto | |
32Si | |
33P | |
13C, 15N | |
LOB Arc Carlotti | mesozoo |
LOV Claustre | pigment |
LOV Guieu | aerosol |
LOV Gorsky | pvm |
LOV Leblond | trappe |
LOV Weinbauer | virus |
LSCE belviso | DMS |
DMSP | |
LSCE Bonsang | HCNM |
LSCE Reyss | Radio isot. |
LSCE Roy Barman | Th, Pa |
LSCE Rabouille | Sed. |
MNHN Park | Phys. |
DT INSU Bournot-marec | Moorings |
LEMAR Blain | gases |
N2 Liquid | |
Dry ice |
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19 juin, 2009
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