( 25-Aoû-2003 / oA)



Aumont, Olivier                     LODyC                    UMR 7617
Bopp, Laurent                       LSCE                         UMR 1572
Gehlen, Marion                     LSCE                         UMR 1572
Lévy, Marina                         LODyC                     UMR 7617
Mémery, Laurent                  LODyC                      UMR 7617
Ragueneau, Olivier              IUEM                         UMR 6539
Rodgers, Keith                     LSCE                          UMR 1572
Dutay, Jean-Claude             LSCE                          UMR 1572
Orr, James                            LSCE                         UMR 1572

Intégration au niveau national et collaborations internationales


Cette étude sera menée au LODyC en étroite collaboration avec les dynamiciens de l'équipe ECUME (P. Delecluse et G. Madec) et les membres des équipes d'observation et de modélisation de la biogéochimie marine. Au LSCE, des interactions seront crées avec des paléocéanographes (E. Michel). A l'échelle nationale, ce projet interagira avec des études actuellement en cours comme le programme POMME (L. Mémery et G. Reverdin), le programme CHOC (Y. Du Penhoat et O. Ulloa), le projet d'étude du couplage DMS-chimie-climat (S. Belviso) et le projet PNEDC BILBO (G. Madec). De plus, ce travail s'inscrit dans l'effort de modélisation du système Terre de l'IPSL. Enfin, des échanges seront suscités avec des halieutes de l'IRD (O. Maury, P. Lehodey).


Au niveau international, ce projet s'inscrit dans la continuité d'une collaboration entre les acteurs français, le Max-Planck de Hambourg (E. Maier-Reimer), le Max-Planck de Jena (C. Le Quéré, S. Harrison) et le NERI-Danemark (C. Heinze). En outre, des interactions fortes seront crées avec des programmes européens en cours ou à venir tels que ORFOIS (coord. C. Heinze) et NOCES (coord. J. Orr et P. Yiou).




Références bibliographiques du responsable et de l'équipe, en particulier sur le sujet de la demande (trois dernières années).


Aumont O., J. C. Orr, P. Monfray, W. Ludwig, P. Amiotte-Suchet et J. L. Probst, Riverine driven interhemispheric transport of carbon. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 15, 393-405, 2001.

Aumont O., J. C. Orr, P. Monfray, G. Madec, et E. Maier-Reimer, Nutrient trapping in the equatorial Pacific ocean : The ocean circulation. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 13, 351-369, 1999.

Aumont O., J. C. Orr, D. Jamous, P. Monfray, O. Marti , et G. Madec, A degradation approach to accelerate simulations to steady-state in 3-D tracer transport model of the global ocean. Climate Dynamics , 14, 101-116, 1998.

Aumont O., Belviso S. et Monfray P. , Dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) and dimethylsulfide (DMS) sea surface distributions simulated from a global 3-D ocean carbon cycle model, Journal of Geophysical Research, in press, 2002a.

Aumont O., Maier-Reimer E., Blain S. et Monfray P.An ecosystem model of the global ocean including Fe, Si, P co-limitations,  Global Biogeochemical Cycles, soumis, 2002.

Bopp L., P. Monfray, O. Aumont, J-L. Dufresne, H. LeTreut, G. Madec, L. Terray, et J.C. Orr, Potential impact of climate change on marine export production, Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 15, 81-99, 2001.

Bopp L., O. Aumont, S. Belviso et P. Monfray, Potential impact of climate change on marine DMS (dimethylsulfide) emissions, Tellus, en revision, 2002a.

Bopp L., C. Le Quéré, A.C. Manning, M. Heimann et P. Monfray,Climate-induced oceanic oxygen fluxes: Implications for the contemporary carbon budget, Global Biogeochemical Cycles, en revision, 2002b.

DeMaster D.J., O. Ragueneau et C.A. Nittrouer, Preservation efficiencies and accumulation rates for biogenic silica and organic C, N, and P in high latitude sediments: The Ross Sea, J. Of Geophysical Research, 101, 18501-18518, 1996.

Dittert N., C. Heinze, O. Ragueneau, et M. Diepenbroek, SINOPS-management of (pale-)oceanographic data as part of a climate modelling project, Global Biogeochemical Cycles, soumise, 2002.

Dutay et al,  Evaluation of ocean model ventilation with CFC-11: comparison of 13 global ocean models, Ocean Modelling, sous presse, 2001.

Gallinari M., O. Ragueneau, L. Corrin, D.J. DeMaster and P. Tréguer, the importance of water column processes in controlling the properties of opal dissolution in abyssal sediments, Geochemica Cosmochimica Acta, soumise, 2002.

Gehlen M., C. Rabouille, L. Guidi-Guilvard, et U. Ezat, Drastic changes in deep-sea sediment pore-water composition induced by episodic input of organic matter, Limnology and Oceanography, 42, 980-986, 1997.

Gehlen M., A. Mucci, et B. Boudreau, Modelling the distribution of stable carbon isotopes in porewaters of deep-sea sediments, Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta, 63, 2763-2773, 1999.

Gehlen M., L. Beck, A.M. Flank, A.J. Van Bennekom, et J.E.E. Van Beusekom, Evidence for the structural association of Al and Si in diatom frustules : Surface control of opal solubility?, Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta, sous presse, 2002.

Gehlen M., et W. Van Raaphorst, the rôle of adsorption-desorption surface reactions in controlling interstitial Si(OH)4 concentrations and enhancing Si(OH)4 turnover in shallow shelf seas, Continental Shelf Research, soumise, 2002.

Gehlen M., C. Heinze, C. Measures et E. Maier-Reimer, Coupling geochemical cycles of Al and Si in a global oceanic C model : A tool for the validation of oceanic dust deposition, Global Biogeochemical Cycles, soumis, 2002.

Lampitt R., K. Kiriakoulakis, E.E. Popova, O. Ragueneau, A. Vangriesheim et G. Wolff, Material supply to the Abyssal seafloor int he Northeast Atlantic, Progress in Oceanography, acceptée, 2001.

Le Quéré, C., J. C. Orr, P. Monfray, O. Aumont, and G. Madec, Interannual variability of the oceanic sink of CO2 from 1979 through 1997, Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 14, 1247-1265, 2000.

Le Quéré C. ,  L. Bopp et I. Tegen, Antarctic Circumpolar Wave impact on marine biology, Geophysical Research Letters,  soumis 2001.

Le Quéré, C., O. Aumont, L. Bopp, P. Bousquet, P. Ciais, R. Francey, M. Heimann, R.F. Keeling, H. Kheshgi, P. Peylin, S.C. Piper, I.C. Prentice et P.J. Rayner, Two decades of ocean CO2 sink and variability, Tellus, soumis, 2002.

Lehodey, P. André?, J.-M., Bertignac, M., Stoens, A., Menkes, C., Mémery, L., and N. Grima, Predicting skipjack forage dsitributions in the Equatorial Pacific : preliminary results using a coupled dynamical bio-geochemical lodel, Fisheries Oceanogr., 7, 317-325, 1999

Lévy M., Mémery, L., and G. Madec, The onset of the spring bloom in the MEDOC area : mesoscale spatial variability, Deep-Sea Res., 1137-1160, 1999

Loukos H., and L. Mémery, Simulation of the nitrate seasonal cycle in the equatorial Atlantic Ocean during 1983 and 1984, J. Geophys. Res., 104, 15549-15573, 1999

Lévy M., Mémery, L., and G. Madec, Combined effects of mesoscale processes and atmospheric high-frequency variability on the spring bloom in the MEDIC area, Deep-Sea Res., 47, 27-53, 2000

Mémery, L., Lévy, M., Vérant, S., and L. Merlivat, The relevant time scales in estimating the air-sea CO2 exchange in a mid latitude region : a numerical study at the DYFAMED station (NW Mediterranean Sea), soumis à Deep-Sea Res. (numéro spécial sur DYFAMED), 2000.

Mucci A., B. Sundby, M. Gehlen et al., The fate of carbon in continental shelf sediments of eastern Canada: A case study, Deep-Sea Research II, 47, 733-760, 2000.

Orr J.C., Maier-Reimer E., Mikolajewicz U., Monfray P., Sarmiento J.L., Toggweiler J.R., Taylor NK., Palmer J., Gruber N., Sabine C.L.,  Le Quéré C.,  Key R.Met Boutin J. , Estimates of anthropogenic carbon uptake from four three-dimensional global ocean  models, Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 15, 43-59, 2001.

Pondaven P., O. Ragueneau, P. Tréguer, A. Hauvespre, L. Dezileau, et J.L. Reyss, Resolving the opal paradox in the Southern Ocean, Nature, 405, 168-172, 2000.

Ragueneau O., P. Tréguer, A. Leyneart, et al., A review of the Si cycle in the modern ocean: recent progress and missing gaps in the application of biogenic opal as a paleoproductivity proxy, Global and Planetary Change, sous presse, 2000.

Ragueneau O., M. Gallinari, H. Stahl, A. Tengberg, S. Grandel, R. Lampitt, R. Witbaard, P. Hall, D. Dickert et A. Hauvrespere, the benthic silica cycle in the northeast Atlantic: seasonality, annual mass balance and preservation mechanisms, Progress in Oceanography, acceptée, 2001.

Ragueneau O., P. Pondaven, N. Dittert, L. Corrin et P. Tréguer, SI:C coupling in the world ocean : is the Southern Ocean really different ? Deep-Sea Research II (numéro spécial Southern Ocean JGOFS), soumise, 2002.

Sarmiento, J. L., P. Monfray, E. Maier-Reimer, O. Aumont, R. J. Murnane, et J. C. Orr, Sea-Air CO2 fluxes and carbon transport: A comparison of three ocean general circulation models, Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 14, 1267-1281, 2000.

Sarmiento JLS., R. Slater, P. Monfray, R. Barber, L. Bopp, S. Doney, A.C. Hirst, J. Kleypas, R. Matear, U. Mikolajewicz, J. Orr, S. Spall, et R. Stouffer, Response of Ocean Biology to Future Climate Change, Nature, soumis, 2002.

Stoens, A., Menkes, C., Dandonneau, Y., and L. Mémery, New production in the equatorial Pacific: a coupled dynamical-biogeochemical model, Fisheries Oceanogr., 7, 311-316, 1999


Autres références en rapport avec le projet


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Armstrong R.A., An optimization-based model of iron-light-ammonium colimitation of nitrate uptake and phytoplankton growth, Limnol. Oceanogr., 44, 1436-1446, 1999.

Armstrong R.A., Lee C., Hedges J.I., Honjo S. et Wakeham S.G., A new, mechanistic model for organic carbon fluxes in the ocean based on the quantitative association of POC with ballast minerals, Deep-Sea Res., 49, 219-236, 2002.

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Canfield D.E., Organic matter oxidation in marine sediments, in R. Wollast, F.T. MacKenzie et L. Chou [eds] Interactions of C, N, P and S biogeochemical cycles and climate change, 1993.

Christian J.R. et Anderson T.R., Modeling dissolved organic matter in the ocean, In : Biogeochemistry of dissolved organic matter in the ocean, D. Hansell et C. Carlson, eds. Academic Press, soumis, 2002.

Droop, M.R., 25 years of algal growth kinetics, Bot. Mar., 26, 99-112, 1982.

Eppley R.W., estimating phytoplankton growth rates in oligotrophic oceans, in P.G. Falkowski [ed.], Primary Productivity in the Sea, plenum, 231-242, 1982.

Falkowski P.G, Evolution of the nitrogen cycle and its influence on the biological sequestration of CO2 in the ocean,. Nature,  387, 272-275, 1997.

Fasham M.J.R., H.W. Ducklow et S.W. MacKelvie, A nitrogen-based model of plankton dynamics in the oceanic mixed layer, J. of Marine Res., 48, 591-639, 1990.

Fennell K., Y.H. Spitz, R.M. Letelier, M.R. Abbott, D.M. Karl, A deterministic model of N2 fixation at stn. ALOHA in the subtropical North Pacific Ocean, Deep-Sea Res. II, 49, 149-174, 2002.

Flynn K.J., A mechanistic model for describing dynamic multi-nutrient, light, temperature interactions in phytoplankton, J. Plankton Res., 23, 977-997, 2001.

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Froehlich P.N., G.P. Klinkhammer, M.L. Bender, N.A. Luedtke, G.R. Heath, D. Cullen, P. Dauphin, D. Hammond, B. Hartman et V. Maynard, Early oxidation of organic matter in pelagic sediments of the eastern Atlantic : suboxic diagenesis, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 43, 1075-1090, 1979.

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Hood R.R., A. Subramaniam, L.R. May, E.J. Carpenter et D.G. Capone, Remote estimation of nitrogen fixation by Trichodesmium, Deep-Sea Res. II, 49, 123-147, 2002.

Hutchins D.A. et K.W. Bruland, Iron limited diatoms and Si:N uptake ratios in a coastal upwelling regime, Nature, 393, 561-564, 1998.

Jackson G.A. et Burd A.D., A model for the distribution of particle flux in the mid-warter column controlled by sub-surface biotic interactions, Deep-Sea Res., 49, 193-217, 2002.

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