How to recognize a Clausocalanus female:
Using a binocular :
The prosome shape is almost perfectly ovoid.
Only 3 thoracic segments are visible.
A1 as long or slightly longer than prosome.
The rostrum is short and bifurcated.
P5 is small, symmetrical and uniramous.
Urosome has four segments and a regular cylindrical shape.
Furca shorter than preceding segment.
Using a microscope :
P3 Basipod has a calyx like shape (see figures).
P5 is 3-segmented and bifurcated distally.
How to differenciate C. arcuicornis from other Clausocalanus
Using a binocular :
C. arcuicornis is usually bigger than C. paululus , C. pergens and C. furcatus and smaller than C. lividus and C. mastigophorus. However, to differenciate Clausocalanus species the use of a microscope is absolutely necessary.
Using a microscope :
The genital segment is clearly longer than next segment contrary to C. furcatus.
The third segment of P5 is as long as the 2 preceding segments together.
The genital pore has a typical shape (see figures).
Ecological Notes :
Very common all the year long. Maximum abundance in late winter/early spring.
Probably mainly herbivorous.