( 25-Aoû-2003 /pR/mpT)

 Involved researchers & labs  |   Publications




Liste des personnes collaborant au projet : 


Pascal Rivière (LEMAR, UMR6536)

Philippe Pondaven (LEMAR, UMR6539)

Charles Fravalo (LEMAR, UMR6539)








Publications dans des revues à comité de lecture :

S., Blain ,P. Sedwick, B. Griffith, B. Quéguiner, E. Bucciarelli, M. Fiala, P. Pondaven and P. Tréguer Quantification and modelling of the iron limitation in the subantarctic zone of the Southern Ocean. Sous presse Deep-Sea Research part II.

Pondaven, P., Ragueneau, O., Tréguer, P., Hauvespre, A., Dezileau, L. & J.L. Reyss (2000) Resolving the ‘opal paradox’ in the Southern Ocean. Nature, 405, 168-172.

Pondaven, P., Ruiz-Pino, D, Fravalo, C., Tréguer, P. & C. Jeandel (2000) Interannual variability of Si and N biogeochemical cycles at the Southern Ocean JGOFS station Kerfix, 1990-1995. Deep-Sea Research part I, 47, 223-257.

Tréguer, P. & P. Pondaven (2000) : Silica control of carbon dioxide. Nature, 406, 358-359.

J.M. Baey, P. Riviere, X. Carton (1999) : ‘Ocean Jet Instability  : a Model Comparison’. European series in Applied and Industrial Mathematics, 7, 12-23. 

Pondaven, P., Ruiz-Pino, D., Druon, J.N., Fravalo, C. & P. Tréguer (1999) Factors controlling Si and N biogeochemical cycles in high Nutrient, low chlorophyll systems (the Southern Ocean and the North Pacific) : comparison with a mesotroph system (the North Atlantic). Deep-Sea Research part I, 46, 1923-1968


Publications soumises ou en préparation :

Riviere, P. A.M. Tréguier, P. Klein: Effects of bottom friction on the antarctic circumpolar current dynamics.  Soumis  ( Jour. Phys. Ocean).

Anderson, T. & P. Pondaven : Stoichiometry of carbon and nitrogen cycling in the Sargasso Sea: pelagic imbalances and consequences for export flux. Soumis

P. Riviére, J.M. Baey X. Carton : ‘On the cyclone/anticyclone asymmetry of the North Atlantic jets  : a QG and Shallow Water model comparison ‘. En préparation pour Jour. Phys. Ocean.


Communications à des congrès internationaux :

Rivière, P., A-M. Tréguier, P. Klein (février 2002) : ‘Effects of bottom friction on a baroclinically unstable oceanic jet’. Oral communication, AGU Hawaii.

Mongin, M., P. Rivière, P. Pondaven (février 2002) : ‘Modeling mesoscale processes and Nutrient limitation impact on the biological pump in the frontal zone of the Austral ocean’. Poster, AGU, Hawaii.

TREGUER, P., P. PONDAVEN, D.M. NELSON, M.A. BREZINSKI, S. BLAIN, and R. CORVAISIER (2001) The sub-surface chlorophyll maximum in the seasonal ice zone (Southern Ocean): its importance for the production of carbonb and biogenic silica. US JGOFS Synthesis and Modeling Project, P.I.s Workshop, July 16-20, 2001, WHOI, USA

Anderson, T. R., Pondaven, P. (2001) Modelling the seasonal dynamics of carbon and nitrogen cycles in the Western Sargasso Sea near Bermuda. US-JGOFS SMP Workshop (Woods Hole).

Rivière, P., P. Pondaven, P. Treguer , c.fravalo (2000) : ‘Modeling mesoscale processes and biogeochemical cycles in the Antarctic Circumpolar Current : Physical processes ’. Poster, SOJGOFS Symposium, Brest.


Rapports de DEA :

-Mathieu Mongin (2001) : “ Impact de la dynamique méso-échelle sur le fonctionnement d’un écosystème pélagique 

-Bénédicte Pasquer (2001) :               “ Analyse du comportement d’un modèle d’écosytème pélagique le long de gradients de facteurs écologiques ”.


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