Liste des Parametres par TYPE d ECHANTILLONNAGE

Parameter List order by SAMPLING

( décembre 18, 2006 , bd/proof/cyber)
Rechercher Type d'échantillonnage
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Sampling No Param Grp Method S_f
 CASQ corer  2431  Lipid biomarqueurs d13C    GC-Combustion Isotope ratio MS   -
 CASQ corer  2473  210Pb geochronology of core samples    209Po alpha spectrometry   -
 CASQ corer  2513  Electric resistivity (sediment core physical properties)    Geotek Multi Sensor Core Logger   -
 CASQ corer  2456  14C datation of core samples    Accelerator Mass Spectrometry   -
 CASQ corer  2512  P waves speed (sediment core physical properties)    Geotek Multi Sensor Core Logger   -
 CASQ corer  2511  Magnetic susceptibility (sediment core physical properties)    Geotek Multi Sensor Core Logger   -
 CASQ corer  2429  Lipid biomarqueurs    GC-Flamme Ionization Detection / GC-MS   -
 CASQ corer  2454  137Cs datation of core samples    Gamma spectrometer   -
 CASQ corer  2427  IP25 (C25 Monounsaturated Hydrocarbon)    GC   -
 CASQ corer  2437  Trace metals    X-Ray fluorescence spectroscopy   -
 CASQ corer  2409  Alkanes    GC-MS   -
 Clean rosette  40076  Thiol concentration    Electrochemistry  
 Clean rosette  40075  Electroactive humic substances    Electrochemistry  
 Clean rosette  40074  DOM    LC-OCD-UVD-NOD  
 Clean rosette  40073  Cu ligands (organic speciation)  Traces  Voltammetry  
 Clean Rosette  62  TEP (Transparent Exopolymer Particles )  Particle  Spectrophotometry  Stock
 Clean rosette  40051  Inorganic Nitrogen nanomolar    LWCC  
 Clean Rosette  40085  NO3+NO2 delta15N    Denitrifier method  
 Clean rosette  40052  Labile organic Nitrogen nanomolar    LWCC  
 Clean rosette  40072  Iron oxydation kinetics  Traces  FIA-Chemiluminescence  
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